Step 1
We recommend you contact the Collingwood Membership department on 1300 624 743. Please confirm with the team:
that you are a current member and your payment status is up to date (ie. your monthly installments are up to date for example).
the email address that is linked to your club membership
Step 2
Once you have confirmed you are active and what your membership email address is, you will need to head to the Collingwood football club shop and navigate to the login / create your account page.

Step 3
Using your club membership email, you can create a Collingwood Club Shop account.
If you have already created a CFC Shop account:
The website will say "this email address is already in use". If that is the case, you can use the reset password button to trigger a reset email.
If you have NOT already created a club shop account:
If you haven't already created a CFC Club Shop account with your membership email address, you will be able to complete the registration form and set up your CFC Club Shop Account.
Step 4
Once you have created your CFC Clucb Shop account, you will receive an "activate your CFC Club Shop account" email. click the activate button in the email to activate your account.
Step 5
Visit the CFC Club Shop and go back to the Login/Sign Up page and login with your active Club Shop account using your membership email.
IMPORTANT: When logging in to your linked membership account, your membership benefits to the Shop are automatically applied.
If you require further assistance or have any other questions, please don't hesitate to reach out!